

An asynchronous client and server for the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) as described by RFC 2326.



(this space intentionally left almost blank)

The multimedia.streaming.rtsp.client namespace defines the published interface for the client.

(ns multimedia.streaming.rtsp.client
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [multimedia.streaming.rtsp.protocol :as rtsp]
            [multimedia.streaming.rtsp.transport :refer [request!

What is RTSP?

The Real Time Streaming Protocol, or RTSP, is an application-level protocol for control over the delivery of data with real-time properties. RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, on-demand delivery of real-time data, such as audio and video. Sources of data can include both live data feeds and stored clips. This protocol is intended to control multiple data delivery sessions, provide a means for choosing delivery channels such as UDP, multicast UDP and TCP, and provide a means for choosing delivery mechanisms based upon RTP (RFC 1889).

The RTSP Session

A Session represents a single communication session between a client and server. It identifies the peer to connect to and the protocol version to use. It also holds the protocol state required for RTSP communication to take place.

The lifecycle of a session is as follows.

  1. A Session is created with the session construction function.

  2. Requests are made within the session via the request! function of the multimedia.streaming.rtsp.transport.IRequest protocol.

  3. The Session is closed via the .close method of the java.io.Closeable interface.

(defrecord Session [url version connection c-seq]
  (request! [this {:keys [path method headers body timeout]
                   :or {path , headers {}, body }}]
    (let [rtsp-request {:url (rtsp/url-for-path url path)
                        :method method
                        :version version
                        :headers (assoc headers :c-seq (swap! c-seq inc))
                        :body body
                        :timeout timeout}]
      (request! connection rtsp-request)))
  (close [this]
    (.close connection)
    (reset! c-seq 0)))

Session Construction

default-session provides the default values for a Session. These may be overridden with options to the session construction function.

(def ^:private default-session
  {:c-seq (atom 1)
   :version "RTSP/1.0"})

session starts a new RTSP session with the peer at url. If options is provided, it must be a map with one or more of the following keys.

:version is optional and specifies the version of the RTSP protocol to use for the session. Its value must be a string. The default is "RTSP/1.0".

:c-seq is optional and sepcifies the starting CSeq sequence number. Its value must be an intager. The default value is 1

Note that session is a pure function that simply returns a data structure representation of the session, the actual connection is established upon first request.

  (def peer (session "rtsp://"))

The transport and port are determined by the scheme and port segements of the provided URL respectively. If no port is provided, the default RTSP port of 554 is used.

(defn session
  ([url] (session url {}))
  ([url options]
   (let [url (rtsp/split-url url)
         options (assoc options :url url
                                :connection (connect-to url))
         options (if-let [c-seq (:c-seq options)]
                   (assoc options :c-seq (atom c-seq))
     (map->Session (merge default-session options)))))

Making Requests

Once a session has been obtained, RTSP requests can be made by calling the request! function, with a ring-like map describing the request.

(request! peer {:method "DESCRIBE" :path "media.mkv"})

Alternatively, there are convenience functions defined for each of the RTSP methods. See [Convenience Functions][].

The Request Map

The RTSP request map may contain the following fields.

:method is required and specifies the RTSP method (verb) to use in the request. Its value is a case-sensitive string. For example "PLAY".

:path is required and specifies the path section of the RTSP URI to which the request is addressed. Its value must be one of the followi1ng.

  • The path component of a URI. E.g. "media/stream-1". The leading / is optional, so "/media/stream-1" is semantically equiverlent in this case.
  • The value "*" if the request is for the peer itself and addresses no particular presentation or stream.

:headers is optional and specifies the RTSP headers to be sent with the request. Its value must be a map of header names to header values. For example:

{:accept "application/sdp" :cache-control "none"}

Header names may be either strings or keywords, but should be lowercase. Case conversion as per the RTSP standard is performed automatically. Values are case sensitive strings.

:body is optional and specifies the body for the request. Its value must be a string.

:timeout is optional and specifies the maximum number of milliseconds that that library will wait for a response. The default value is 30000 (30 seconds).

Response Handling

The RTSP library implements all communication asynchronously. Calls to request! and to the convenience functions return a manifold deferred that will yeild the response once it has been received. To retrieve the response, simply call clojure.core/deref or use the reader literal @. If the response is available it will be returned immediately, otherise the call to deref will block until the response has been received, or until the request times out. This allows very easy switching between synchronous and asynchronous programming.

;; Asynchronous
(request! peer {:method "DESCRIBE" :path "media.mkv"})

;; Synchronous
@(request! peer {:method "DESCRIBE" :path "media.mkv"})

This also allows all of manifold's asynchronous programming constructs to be used for response handling.

The Response Map

Like requests, responses take the form of a simple map structure with the following keys.

:version is the version of the RTSP protocol used to encode the message.

:status is the integer status code of the response.

:reason is the textual description associated with the status code.

:headers is a map of header names to header values representing the headers sent by the peer.

:body is the body of the message.

For example:

@(request! peer {:method "OPTIONS" :path "*"})
;=> {:version "RTSP/1.0",
     :status 200,
     :reason "OK",
     :headers {:c-seq "2",
               :date "Fri, Nov 06 2015 14:52:22 GMT",
               :public "OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP,
                        TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE,
                        GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"}
     :body ""}

Convenience Functions

def-rtsp-method defines a function that will call request!, with an RTSP request map whose method is set to method-name, and return a deferred representing the response. Note that the defined function has an exlamation mark appended to the name to reflect its stateful effects.

(defmacro ^:private def-rtsp-method
  (let [verb# (-> method-name
                  (string/replace \- \_)
        fn-name# (symbol (str method-name \!))
        doc# (str "Sends an RTSP " verb# " request for `path` to the peer described\n"
                  "  by `session` and returns a promise that will yield the response.")
        [s p o] ['session 'path 'options]]
    `(defn ~fn-name# ~doc#
       ([~s ~p] (~fn-name# ~s ~p {}))
       ([~s ~p ~o]
        (request! ~s (assoc ~o :method ~verb#
                               :path ~p))))))

Convenience functions are provided for each of the methods defined in the RTSP specification and may be used instead of the lower level request! function.

(def response (describe! peer "path/to/media"))

Note that each function has an exlamation mark appeneded to its name.

(def-rtsp-method options)
(def-rtsp-method describe)
(def-rtsp-method announce)
(def-rtsp-method get-parameter)
(def-rtsp-method pause)
(def-rtsp-method play)
(def-rtsp-method record)
(def-rtsp-method redirect)
(def-rtsp-method setup)
(def-rtsp-method set-parameter)
(def-rtsp-method teardown)

close! closes the specified session and terminates its connection to the peer. A closed session can be reused by issuing another request, all state will be as if session has just been called with the original parameters.

(defn close!
  (.close session))

print-session defines the textual representation of a Session.

(defn- print-session
  [session writer]
  (.write writer (str "#Session" (select-keys session [:url :version]))))

Printing support for the Session record.

(defmethod print-method Session [session ^java.io.Writer writer]
  (print-session session writer))

Serialisation support for the Session record.

(defmethod print-dup Session [session ^java.io.Writer writer]
  (print-session session writer))

Pretty printing support for the Session record.

(.addMethod clojure.pprint/simple-dispatch Session
  #(print-session % *out*))

The multimedia.streaming.rtsp.protocol namespace defines functions for marshalling between RTSP messages and ring-style requests and responses.

(ns multimedia.streaming.rtsp.protocol
  (:require [clojure.string :as string]
            [gloss.core :as codec :refer [defcodec]]
            [gloss.io :as io])
  (:import [java.net URI]))
(def default-port 554)
(def default-scheme "rtsp")

Newlines in an RTSP request are represented as carrage-return followed by line-feed.

(def crlf
(defn split-url [url]
  (let [uri (URI. url)
        port (.getPort uri)]
    {:protocol (or (.getScheme uri) default-scheme)
     :host (.getHost uri)
     :port (if (pos? port) port default-port)}))
(defn join-url [{:keys [protocol host port]}]
  (str protocol "://" host \: port))
(defn ensure-absolute [path]
  (if (re-matches #"^/.+" path)
    (string/replace path #"^/+" "/")
    (str "/" path)))
(defn url-for-path [url path]
  (if (= "*" path)
    (str (join-url url) (ensure-absolute path))))
(defn lower-snake-case [string]
  (-> string
      (string/replace #"[^-][A-Z]" #(str (first %) \- (second %)))
(defn upper-snake-case [string]
  (if (re-matches #"(?i)c-seq" string)
    (->> (string/split string #"-")
         (map string/capitalize)
         (string/join \-))))

to-header converts a key-value pair into a header field.

(defn to-header
  [[k v]]
  (let [field (-> k name upper-snake-case)
        value (if (vector? v) (string/join \, v) v)]
    (string/join ": " [field value])))
(defn unfold-headers [header-string]
  (string/replace header-string #"\r?\n\s+" " "))
(defn header-string [header-map]
  (str (->> header-map
            (map to-header)
            (string/join crlf))))
(defn header-map [header-string]
  (->> (string/split (unfold-headers header-string) (re-pattern crlf))
       (map #(string/split % #": "))
       (map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword (lower-snake-case k)) v]))
       (into {})))
(defn with-content-length [{headers :headers, body :body :as request}]
  (if (string/blank? body)
    (assoc-in request [:headers :content-length] (count (.getBytes body)))))

For when Gloss is fixed to handle this case.

(def headers (let [key (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [": "]) value (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [crlf])] (codec/repeated [key value] :delimiters [(str crlf crlf)])))

(defn make-body-codec [headers]
  (codec/ordered-map :headers headers
                     :body (codec/string
                            :length (Integer. (:content-length headers 0)))))
(defn write-only [_]
  (UnsupportedOperationException. "Codec does not support reading"))
(defn merge-headers-and-body [result]
  (dissoc (merge result (:rest result)) :rest))
(def headers
   (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [(str crlf crlf)])
(def request
  (let [method (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [\space])
        url (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [\space])
        version (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [crlf])
        body (codec/string :utf-8)]
    {:encoder (codec/compile-frame
               (codec/ordered-map :method method
                                  :url url
                                  :version version
                                  :headers headers
                                  :body body)
     :decoder (codec/compile-frame
               (codec/ordered-map :method method
                                  :url url
                                  :version version
                                  :rest (codec/header headers
(def response
  (let [version (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [\space])
        status (codec/string-integer :ascii :delimiters [\space])
        reason (codec/string :ascii :delimiters [crlf])
        body (codec/string :utf-8)]
    {:encoder (codec/compile-frame
               (codec/ordered-map :version version
                                  :status status
                                  :reason reason
                                  :headers headers
                                  :body body)
     :decoder (codec/compile-frame
               (codec/ordered-map :version version
                                  :status status
                                  :reason reason
                                  :rest (codec/header headers
(def encode-request (partial io/encode (request :encoder)))
(def decode-request #(io/decode-stream % (request :decoder)))
(def encode-response (partial io/encode (response :encoder)))
(def decode-response #(io/decode-stream % (response :decoder)))
(ns multimedia.streaming.rtsp.transport
  (:require [multimedia.streaming.rtsp.protocol :as rtsp]
            [aleph.tcp :as tcp]
            [manifold.deferred :as d]
            [manifold.stream :as s]))

Interface to be used by all protocols.

An object that is able to issue requests.

(defprotocol IRequest
  (request! [this request]
    "Sends `request` to the peer and returns a promise that will yield
     the response."))
(def default-timeout 30000)

connect-to returns an object that implements IRequest, which can be used to issue requests to the peer at url using the protocol defined by the url.

(defmulti connect-to

TCP support

(defn wrap-duplex-stream
  [encoder decoder wire]
  (let [tx (s/stream)]
    (s/connect (s/map encoder tx) wire)
    (s/splice tx (decoder wire))))
(defn existing-connection [connection]
  (when (and @connection (not (s/closed? @connection)))
(defn create-connection! [connection url]
  (-> (d/chain (tcp/client url)
               #(wrap-duplex-stream rtsp/encode-request rtsp/decode-response %)
               #(reset! connection %))
      (d/catch io.netty.channel.ConnectTimeoutException
                 (java.net.SocketTimeoutException. (.getMessage %))))))
(defrecord TcpConnection [url wire]
  (request! [this request]
    (d/chain (or (existing-connection wire)
                 (create-connection! wire url))
             #(do (s/put! % request) %)
             #(s/try-take! % (or (:timeout request) default-timeout))))
  (close [this] (when (existing-connection wire)
                  (swap! wire s/close!))))
(defmethod connect-to "rtsp" [url]
  (->TcpConnection url (atom nil)))